Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Time

Okay so I've obviously watched You've Got Mail a bajillion times.  However I purchased Jack Frost yesterday so Molli and I thought we'd give it a go.  Well we both fell asleep last night watching it so today we put it on again and ya, fell asleep again, so we started it again where we fell asleep.  Except we were just watching it in the dark and I wasn't feeling that super great Christmasy feeling about the movie (which is the point of watching a Christmas movie) and I realized why.  My Christmas tree lights weren't on!

I absolutely love Christmas I stood up off of my lazy butt and plugged them lights right in...honestly right when I plugged them in they brought a whole new "aura" to the room.  Christmas was there.  Boy I love Christmas, everything about it.  As much as I can dislike the snow, I really hope we have a white Christmas.  There is nothing like a white Christmas.  But...I also love the caroling, the music, THE LIGHTS, the joy that is filling the hearts of everyone, that bit of worry of what to give your family, that awkward feeling of what friends to give a gift to and which ones it is okay not to but then you still feel bad but then look in your bank account and don't feel TOO bad anymore.

So with the lights thing...I am going to make one of my silly analogy connection things.
        The regular time of the year (as in not Christmas time) can seem dark and dreary, lacking that little something we like to call the Christmas spirit...but as soon as Christmas rolls around, there it is just "brightening" up everyone's day/night.  I'm telling you it's the Christmas lights.  I would like to liken them to the light of Christ.  He is with us year round but it seems as soon as Christmas is over we tend to tuck Him away and then when the season rolls around again we look to Him, we remember Him, we SEE him.  It is the same thing with the lights, we put them up in the attic and let them get dusty...But then here comes December again and we pull them out, replace the broken bulbs and arrange them beautiful on the trees and roof tops lighting up the neighborhood, living room, etc.  Sometimes we even forget to take them down but don't really want to use them --> Which but this one I mean sometimes it is there, Christ is with us but we forget to "turn Him on".  We forget to look to Him, to see Him.

I guess the point of this post is to say how much I love how Christmas lights really bring the spirit of Christmas, they remind us of the light of Christ and how strong it really is.  How by simply turning to Him (plugging the lights in brightens the room) can really brighten our lives, give us guidance, or simply warm our hearts with the comfort we're not alone.

I love Christmas...I love the lights...if you're watching a movie, turn on your Christmas lights and remember what I said.  It will make the movie SO much better!

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