Wednesday, December 26, 2012

False Perceptions

My Christmas this year was probably the best Christmas I've had in who knows how long.  You see I am the youngest of 4 kids with a 4 year gap between me and my next sibling.  I have always been a bit self conscious when it comes to my siblings.  Worried about what they think of me and my life and worried that I'm bothering them (like younger siblings typically do) or that they think what I do is dumb...and it has got a bit tiring for me.  Now don't get me wrong.  My sibling are great! Ya they tease me but what family doesn't?? I was the one always being a baby and taking it so seriously...

This break I've tried to take a different approach.  Not worry about any of that and just be myself.  And ya know what?? It was great.  I mean I'm sure they think I'm a dork and weird (cause I am) but they love me and I know that.  I know this is dumb of my sisters isn't the most affectionate, not very touchy feely (her hugs are worth the price of gold) and I was sitting at the table and she started playing with my hair for a minute and for as simple and as meaningless the gesture probably was to her, it meant a lot to me...and I got to spend a lot of Christmas day with my brother.  In a lot of ways we are a lot alike, and it was a lot of fun to just joke around with him all day.

This post has been a bit off topic but what I wanted to get at is...

You always hear people saying, don't judge a book by its cover, or once you get to know them they're great.  Well it is the same concept when you reverse it.  How often are you intimidated by someone or get the vibe that someone doesn't like you but come to find out they absolutely adore you or they though you didn't like them. 

Someone once told me, "I just assume that everyone I meet loves me unless they actually TELL me otherwise" I can't say I've been as bold as to take that mindset on, but it is a good one.  We spend so much time thinking people don't like us or think we're annoying or how we should do this instead of that to please someone. 

I've learned over time (and am still learning) that the more you stress, worry and tiptoe your way around, the more you annoy those around you.  I know I personally like when someone feels comfortable around me and can be themselves so I guess I owe it to them to do the it makes everyone happier and more at ease in the end.

So...instead of worrying about what you and do watching what you say, be YOURSELF. You are wasting time worrying that could be spent having a good time or growing closer to those around're wasting time on false perceptions that could be spent on actual thoughts and feelings.

I have always felt like "a triangle trying squeeze into a circle"...but I've come to know that people like the triangle just fine :D

1 comment:

  1. You're brilliant Kam. You literally are in my brain. It's kinda starting to freak me out. You post things on here that I'm constantly thinking about, and you make it okay. So keep posting, because I need your words :)
