I just saw Les Miserable today and man was it amazing. I absolutely loved it. There was one character I feel like we have all related to in some degree at some point in our lives and that would be the amazing Eponine. If you don't know what the movie is about or about the characters, Eponine is in love with a man but he is in love with another woman and wants Eponine to help him get her.
Talk about ultimate wing man...
This is the epitome of "men and women can't be friends"...ya you can be friends that hang out once in a while or in groups but once you start hanging out very frequently and alone...one of the two ends up falling for the other. Ya in one person's eyes they are "just friends", but the other one is probably in love with them.
How bad does that suck...sitting there "smiling" while the person you are in love with tells you about how much they love some other girl...talk about sick stomach...but then again you just keep smiling, you nod, and you tell them how great she is. You do this because you know that SHE (whoever she is), even if you see it differently, she is the one who makes him happy. She is the person who HE wants...and that is why you just keep "smiling".
You care about him enough that you would rather let your heart break and ache so that he will be happy. You just accept the fact that you will never be the one to give him what he wants.
One of Eponine's lines are "But he never saw me there"...and that may be the worst feeling of all. Feeling like you gave so much, that you tried, you put yourself out there...but he never saw you there. Talk about stab at the self esteem.
I'd say Eponine's heart ache is on the highest degree of pain and most of us have just had the "wing man" effect. This is where a guy we have a crush on tells us all about the girl he has a crush on and we just have to sit and listen...or even worse he wants us to find a way to hook him up. It's like "hello! are you THAT oblivious??"
Ya that's just one of those things that we all have to go through in the dating world....isn't it just the greatest :D
I know that sounds dumb, but my advice for you is...keep smiling...and move on...if he doesn't want to be with you then it isn't worth forcing it.
Bueno Suerte
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