Sunday, December 23, 2012

I'd like that

Okay so I may be alone in this but man, dating is a tough one...and boy do I over think things...and by things I mean EVERY. SINGLE. THING.  When someone gives me an answer my mind is like "well wait did they really mean that? or did they mean this? were they just saying that to be nice? are they just sick of my questions so they're saying it to get me off their backs? should I ask in a different way? should I clarify? am I being annoying?"...well answer to the last one, yes. you are being annoying and just accept the answer for what it is.

It's hard cause you never know if someone is 'playing the game" with you and well people, I don't like the game.  I'll tell you what, maybe I am a little too honest but I'll typically say it for what it is.

The hard part of dating is no one wants to seem TOO invested, that would require us to be vulnerable and instead we keep it subtle, play it cool, and keep our  pride on that high tower...alone. By itself. (I could go on about the ego thing, but that's a whole different post in and of itself).

So while soaking up the excitement, refraining from comments like "uh totally!", "I would love nothing more!", "that'd be the highlight of my year!"...we keep it cool and say, "I'd like that."

However I found a quote I really like...

“Never, ever underestimate the power of 'Id Like that.”

The over thinking comes on both sides...

when looking for a response, we can't seem TOO interested or excited cause we don't know how interested the other person is.  We want them to know we are interested but in a "subtle" we keep it simple with "I'd like that".
but then on the receiving's like oh? you'd like that? that could mean 1 of 2 things, either..."sure... ya, I guess that'd be fun?" or "wow ya I'd really like that, someone finally suggested/came up with something meaningful and I'd really like that." you see why I over think EVERYTHING.

However...push all that aside and just go with it.  Don't read into things and just go with what you see.  If someone says I'd like that, take is as the 2nd option...they'd LOVE to.  I know when I say I'd like that I mean the second one.  I would genuinely enjoy it.  

I guess the main message I'm trying to get at here is...say what you mean and with that, don't doubt what is being said.  When someone says "I'd like that", go with it...don't underestimate a simple comment because odds are, they would actually LOVE to but they're just a little scared to be that enthusiastic and show their real deep down feelings. 

1 comment:

  1. Preach it gurl! But really. It's like your inside of my head. Get out Kam! GET OUT.

    Or stay forever. I'd like that.
