Thursday, December 6, 2012

Where did I get my blog name from?

So if you're reading this (which the odds are slim cause I don't really have readers) you may be wondering how I got the name of my blog...

Alright so if you haven't seen it already, you need to see "You've Got Mail".  As of a week ago it is my favorite movie of all time.  I have had it replaying the entire time I am home for the last week....and I am not exaggerating when I saw the ENTIRE time I am home.  I just like to hear it in the background while I'm doing other tasks or work.  It is funny, witty, emotional, weird, and just darn cute.

So here the little conversation that I just love and really got me thinking
Joe Fox: It wasn't... personal.
Kathleen Kelly: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway?
Joe Fox: Uh, nothing.
Kathleen Kelly: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.

This line just kills me because of how true it is.  When do you ever have an encounter with someone and it isn't personal in someway to at least one side of the party? Even at a store, the person buyin is in need of something and the person selling needs the money and is obviously working a job for a reason.  So how is that not personal?

I just I just feel like our reason for living is to love and to learn to love.  What is money without someone to spend it with? The world is so controlling of our minds pressuring us to "be successful".  We get so caught up with our lives that we forget how to live.  We forget to open our eyes. We get so worked up LOOKING that we forget to really SEE what is in front of us.

Living in an LDS environment and being in college really puts pressure on the "dating" area.  Well I am a senior in college and have experienced my fair share of dating.  Let's just say I've been able to see what I do and DON'T want in a future spouse.  It's hard because you want a guy that is motivated, successful, and really strives to accomplish his goals...but at the same time it's scary because you also don't want a guy that is overly stressed and the workaholic type.  No woman wants to raise their children on their own, to have their husband gone all the time.  I would love to have a FAMILY.

But anyways...the reason I have been ranting about the last few topics that seem to be off topic is cause 1-I always blab for hours and 2-it'll lead back to the topic.

I've just realized in the past few relationships and experiences in life is that...I love people.  I love being personal.  Getting to really KNOW people and their stories and learn to understand why it is they are the way they are.  Everything we do in life IS personal whether we want it to be or not.  If it doesn't matter to you, odds are it matters to the other person.

So...thats where I got it, oughttobeginwithpersonal.  I am going to do my best to live by that...being personal.

Well thats all
-The brain itself


  1. Love it. Amen. Being personal makes EVERYTHING better. Love YOU kj. Love You've Got Mail. Love the blog. Love life.
    Can we PLEASE play over the break?!
